Rent increase: Workshop and informations (EN)

Have you received a rent increase notice? Although the increase indices are higher this year, it is worth estimating your rent increase in order to refuse your increase if it is abusive! The CLPMR invites you to this workshop by videoconference-ZOOM on March 14, 6 p.m!
You have the right to refuse an excessive rent increase and to stay in your apartment!
To connect to the meeting on March 14, 6 p.m.:
ID de réunion : 848 8024 4378
Code secret : clpmr
The landlord is invited to base the rent increase on a calculation grid from the Administrative Housing Tribunal which takes into account the income and expenses of his building. To see the calculation grid published by the Administrative Housing Tribunal (TAL), click here
This calculation tool is inappropriate since it requires tenants to have 18 pieces of information on hand to be able to calculate their rent increase, even if they do not have all this information.
Your housing committee therefore provides you with a calculation grid that allows you to ESTIMATE the increase in rent using municipal and school taxes as well as renovations carried out by the landlord. This calculation grid allows you to estimate a <reasonable> rent increase for your rent and to assess whether the increase requested by your landlord seems excessive or not. You can find it by clicking here
Please note that, if your estimated rent increase is higher than or almost equivalent to the increase requested by the landlord, the TAL, during a rent determination hearing, will grant the rent increase based on proof of the landlord’s income and expenses. owner, and will not cap the increase based on what the owner requested in your notice of increase. The TAL will not take into account the poor condition of your accommodation or other housing problem. To assert your claims on the state of your accommodation, contact us.
Remember, you have one month following receipt of the rent increase notice to refuse the rent increase by registered mail.
Click here for a Raise Decline Template.
If you have not received a rent increase notice 3 months before the end of your lease (for 12-month leases), the lease will be automatically renewed under the same conditions. If you do not want to renew your lease, send a notice of non-renewal of the lease 3 to 6 months before the end of the lease by registered mail. See an example of a notice of non-renewal of lease by clicking here.