General and Emergency Services
Phone: 811
Suicide Action Montréal: 2345 Bélanger Street, Phone: 1-866-277-3553 or 514-723-4000
Information by Montréal Borough
Phone: 311
Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montreal (Centre de référence du Grand Montréal): 3155 Hochelaga Street, Phone: 514-527-1375
- Provides information about social and community resources available in Greater Montreal
Atelier d’éducation populaire du Plateau Mont-Royal: 4273 Drolet Street, Phone: 514-350-8881
- Offers popular education workshops
- Provides a meeting environment for people who wish to take their living conditions into their own hands
- Offers methods and tools for people to expand their skill sets.
Du Parc YMCA:5550 Park Avenue, Phone: 514-271-9622
- Offers community services including athletic and aquatic facilities: a pool, a training centre and a gymnasium.
- Drop-in daycare
Service québécois de changement d’adresse (SQCA):
- Makes it possible to notify six ministries and organizations of the Gouvernement du Québec of an address change. Usually takes effect within ten days.
Legal aid: 425 De Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Phone: 514-864-2111
Housing Organizations
Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL): 5199 Sherbrooke Street East, Phone: 514-873-2245
- Court for housing issues
Face à face: 1857 De Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Suite 100, Phone: 514-934-4546
- Offers support with finding housing
- Listening and reference centre
Fédération de l’habitation coopérative du Québec (FHCQ – FÉCHIMM):7000 Park Avenue, Suite 206, Phone: 514-843-6929
- Provides a list of the Montréal co-ops that are members of the FHCQ
Fédération des OSBL d’habitation de Montréal (FOHM): 2310 De Maisonneuve Boulevard East, Phone: 514-527-6668
- Includes nearly 240 non-profit housing locations located on the Island of Montréal
Office municipale d’habitation de Montréal (OMHM): 415 Saint-Antoine Street West, Phone: 514-872-6442
- Offers support with finding subsidized or non-subsidized housing or apartments in Montréal
- Research/information/registration/follow-up for HLMs.
To File a Complaint Against the Health Care System
Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes (CAAP): 7333 Saint-Denis Street, Phone: 1-877-767-2227 or 514-861-5998
- Assists and guides users who wish to file a complaint against an institution in the health and social services network, a CMDP (Board of doctors, dentists and pharmacists), a health and social services agency, or with the Quebec Ombudsman for health and social services’ users.
Financial Benefits and Job Hunting
Centre local d’emploi du Plateau Mont-Royal: 5105 De Gaspé Avenue, 3rd Floor, Phone: 514-872-4922
Service d’orientation et de recherche d’emploi pour l’intégration des femmes au travail (SORIF): 5150 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-271-3866
- Assists women with job hunting and entering the workforce.
Precarious Employment/Employment Insurance
Au bas de l’échelle: 6839 Drolet Street, Phone: 514-270-7726
- Defends the rights of non-unionized workers.
Mouvement Action-Chômage: 6839 Drolet Street, Phone: 514-271-4099
- Provides information on the Employment Insurance Act.
- Defends the rights of people who are unemployed.
Services for Women
SOS violence conjugale: Phone: 1-800-363-9010
- Assists women who are victims of intimate partner violence
- Helps with shelter research
Centre des femmes du Plateau: 1022 Saint-Joseph Boulevard East, Phone: 514-527-2295
- Allows women to recharge and break feelings of isolation.
- Offers individual support and educational activities.
- Fosters a space for discussions and mutual aid.
Réseau Habitation Femmes: 1064 De l’Hôtel-de-Ville Avenue, Phone: 514-875-9529
- Develops and improves women’s quality of life by providing access to adequate, affordable and safe housing.
Housing Organizations for Women
Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes:
- Includes all women’s shelters organized by administrative region.
- Website: (available in French)
Le Chaînon: Phone: 514-845-0151
- Provides resources for women in difficult situations
- Offers 66 housing units
Transit 24 INC:Phone: 514-383-4994
- Provides shelter for women with children
- Adapted for women with reduced mobility.
Inter-VAL 1175:Phone: 514-933-8488
- Helps and provides housing to women who are victims of intimate partner violence and to their children.
- Welcomes older women.
- Adapted for women with reduced mobility.
Dauphinelle:Phone: 514-598-7779
- Provides housing for women who are victims of intimate partner violence or who are in difficult situations, with or without children
Housing Organization for Men
Maison d’Oxygène: Phone: 514-523-9283
- Provides community support and housing for men who have kids and are experiencing difficulties in their personal lives, in their families or in their relationships.
People Receiving Social Assistance
Groupe Ressource Plateau Mont-Royal:4245 Laval Avenue, Phone: 514-527-1616
- Defends and promotes the rights of people receiving social assistance
- Ensures follow-up, provides advice and referrals.
Organisation populaire des droits sociaux (OPDS):3340 Ontario Street East, Phone: 514-524-6996
- Defends the rights of people receiving social assistance.
Front commun des personnes assistées sociales du Québec: 2000 Saint-Joseph Boulevard East, Phone: 514-987-1989
- Defends and improves the living conditions of all people receiving social assistance in Quebec by making collective demands.
Mental Health Services
Action Autonomie:3958 Dandurand Street, Phone: 514-525-5060
- Uses an educational approach to defend the rights of people living with mental health issues.
Maison Saint-Dominique: 20 Guilbault Street East, Phone: 514-845-7793
- Offers long-term affordable housing as well as psychological and social support to economically disadvantaged adults living with a mental health condition.
Canadian Mental Health Association: 55 Mont-Royal Avenue West, Phone: 514-521-4993
- Promotes mental health and encourages resilience in the recovery journeys of people with mental illnesses.
Association des groupes d’intervention en défense des droits en santé mentale du Québec (AGIDD-SMQ):4837 Boyer Street, Suite 210, Phone: 514-523-3443
- Defends the rights of people with mental health issues.
People with Disabilities
Centre de réadaptation Lucie-Bruneau: 2275 Laurier Avenue East, Phone: 514-527-4527
- Offers personalized services for people with motor impairments or neurological conditions
- Provides resources for alternative housing
- Offers specialized services in adaptation-rehabilitation
L’étape: 1001 De Maisonneuve Boulevard East, Phone: 514-526-0887
- Provides employment resources for people with physical, sensory or intellectual functional impairments
Ex Aequo:3680 Jeanne-Mance Street, Suite 328, Phone: 514-288-3852
- Promotes and defends the rights of people with motor impairments
- Promotes the employment of people with motor impairments.
People Experiencing Homelessness
Réseau d’aide aux personnes seules et itinérantes (RAPSIM): 105 Ontario Street East, Suite 204, Phone: 514-879-1949
- Defends the rights of unhoused people in Montréal
Clinique des jeunes de la rue : 66 Sainte-Catherine Street East, Phone: 514-527-9565, extension 3682
- Medical clinic for youth experiencing homelessness (14 to 25 years old)
Dans la rue: 533 Ontario Street East, Suite 450, Phone: 541-526-5222
- Provides support for youth experiencing homelessness or who are in difficult situations
- Offers services to help youth survive and break the cycle of homelessness
La rue des Femmes:1050 Jeanne-Mance Street, Phone: 514-284-9665
- Provides support to women experiencing homelessness.
- Shelter
Old Brewery Mission: 90 De de la Gauchetière Street East, Phone: 514-866-6591
- Responds to the needs of people experiencing homelessness in Montréal while providing practical and sustainable solutions to break the cycle of homelessness.
- Provides beds
Accueil Bonneau: 427 De la Commune Street East, Phone: 514-845-3906
- Day centre.
- Has a dining room
- Provides psychosocial support.
- 4 shelters
Diners St-Louis: 1818 Gilford Street, Phone: 514-521-8619
- Works with youth between the ages of 18 and 30 experiencing homelessness
- Provides tools for social integration
- Provides meals
- Provides a place to recharge
- Supports people getting back on their feet.
La Maison du Père:550 René-Lévesque Boulevard East, Phone: 514-845-0168
- Shelter for men experiencing homelessness
- Total of 453 housing units
- Social reintegration.
La Maisonnée: 6865 Christophe-Colomb Avenue, Phone: 514-879-1949
- Supports new immigrants
- Helps them find housing
- Helps with job hunting
- Offers French classes (Francisation)
L’Hirondelle: 4652 Jeanne-Mance Street, Phone: 514-281-5696
- Welcomes and supports new immigrants
Regroupement des organismes du Montréal ethnique pour le logement (ROMEL): 6555 Côte-des-Neiges Road, Phone: 514-341-1057
- Shelter
- Community services
- Housing assistance
People Living Alone
La Maison d’Aurore: 4816 Garnier Street, Phone: 514-527-9075
- Welcomes, supports and guides people living in the Plateau Mont-Royal to help improve their living conditions and environments
- Helps break feelings of isolation
La maison des amis du Plateau Mont-Royal: 1370 Saint-Joseph Boulevard East Phone: 514-527-1344
- Provides a day centre for its users living in the Plateau Mont-Royal and surrounding areas
- Fosters feelings of belonging and provides a space for discussions
CLSC Saint-Louis-du-Parc: 15 Mont-Royal Avenue West, Phone: 514-286-9657
CLSC Du Plateau Mont-Royal:4625 De Lorimier Avenue, Phone: 514-521-7663
Food Assistance and More
Resto Plateau: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Basement, Phone: 514-527-5997
- Provides complete meals for $4
Mile End Community Mission: 99 Bernard Street West, Phone: 514-274-3401
- Weekly food bank
Société St-Vincent de Paul de Montréal: 1930 De Champlain Street, Phone: 514-526-5937
- Provides emergency food assistance
Substance Use
Plein Milieu:4677 Saint-Denis Street, Phone: 514-524-3661
- Works closely with youth experiencing homelessness and substance users.
- Follows a harm reduction framework
- Works with people in their environments, on the streets and in consumption sites.
- Operates out of a fixed location where sterile consumption equipment is distributed.
CACTUS: 1300 Sanguinet Street, Phone: 514-847-0067
- Works to prevent sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs)
- Defends the rights of people who use substances by injection and inhalation, as well as sex workers.
- Provides sterile equipment
Méta d’Âme: 2250 Florian Street, Phone: 514-528-9000
- Day centre
- 22 housing units that include individual support
- Improves the living conditions of people who use opioids
Collective Kitchens
Cuisines collectives du Grand Plateau: 4095 Saint-André Street, Phone: 514-523-1752
Monastery Organizations
Centre de services social et communautaire du Monastère:4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-521-9191
Comité logement du Plateau Mont-Royal:4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Suite 328, Phone: 514-527-3495
Centre de lecture et d’écriture: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-844-9466
- Offers reading and writing workshops for people with literacy difficulties
La Corporation de développement communautaire ACTION SOLIDARITÉ GRAND PLATEAU (CDC-ASGP): 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-528-8656
Autisme Montréal: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-524-6114
L’Hirondelle: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-521-8816
- Welcomes and supports new immigrants
Projet Changement: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Suite 130, Phone: 514-521-5145
- Community centre for people over the age of 50 living in the Greater Plateau Mont-Royal area.
Resto Plateau: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Basement, Phone: 514-527-5997
- Complete meals for $4
Plumeau, chiffon et compagnie: 4450 Saint-Hubert Street, Phone: 514-523-6626
- Domestic and commercial cleaning service
Elected Officials
Steven.Guilbeault Liberal Party Member of Parliament for Laurier–Sainte-Marie. 800 De Maisonneuve Boulevard East, Suite 604, Montréal, Quebec. Phone: 514-522-1339
Ruba Ghazal Québec solidaire MNA for Mercier. 1012, Mont-Royal Avenue East, Phone: 514-525-8877
Luc Rabouin Mayor of the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough, 201 Laurier Avenue East, Phone: 514-872-8023